Knit, purl, blog.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Corset Pullover

Originally uploaded by Frith.

It's lovely and perfect.

What? What's funny?

Oh, that.

Well, due to a bit of, er, user error, the neckline was about 3 inches too deep and the darn thing was slipping off my shoulders. I wound up detaching the sleevecap, cutting the shoulder bind-off, and redoing the 3-needle bind-off 3 inches sooner. Reattaching the sleeve took some tugging, as I had lost about 6 inches of armhole. This crazy picture above shows the new and old shoulder.

D-rings, ahoy!

I did some searching on the Web, and it looks like most people left off the straps. Me, I really like the straps, even though I ironed and starched them within an inch of their lives and they still want to curl. But I think they really make the sweater.

Corset Pullover
Pattern: by Robin Melanson, available free here,
Yarn: Filatura Elena, 10 balls (just a bit of the 10th) for size 32; Yes, the very yarn and color used in the pattern. So sue me.
Needles: U.S. 8
I abandoned this project because the cotton hurt my hands. But now that I'm not working on the computer full-time, the yarn doesn't bother me at all. It's really sproingy.

Other than the shoulder thing, it wasn't too complex. I did have to graft live stitches to bound-off twisted rib on the neckline, but I'm happy enough with the results.

The neckline is still wide on me, but I don't feel like it will slip off.

All in all, I'm pleased. I think it's a very creative design, and it will be perfect for spring.